Shunya Fodder & Forage Agritech Private Limited

Shunya Fodder & Forage Agritech Private Limited

Shunya Fodder & Forage Agritech Private Limited

  • Alwar, Rajasthan
1. Shunya aims to be every farmer’s Trusted Partner for Animal Nutrition Solutions in India
2. At Shunya, we understand the challenges Indian farmers face in sourcing high-quality feed for their livestock.
3. That’s why we specialize in providing fresh green fodder solutions.
4. Through our unique fodder-as-a-service model, we offer on-demand delivery of high-quality, chemical-free fodder, year-round.
5. Our business approach of creating “affordable fodder sachets” is tailor-made to address the needs of the small farmers of Bharat.
6. Our focus is to improve productivity of every animal and having a positive impact on health while providing excellent value for the farmers’ investment and a transformative impact in their life.
7. Shunya is a specialist in every stage of the seed-to-feed process.
8. From the design and manufacturing of hydroponic equipment to the establishment of modular growth centers, we take care of it all.
9. Our expertise extends to creating and meeting the demands of farmers and dairy owners, ensuring a comprehensive solution for their needs.